Greenbark, Bomo (1)
Bomo Greenbark was a male Nosaurian native from New Plympto, who served as a scout to the Separatists and fought against the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Following Order 66, Greenbark encountered the Jedi Master Dass Jennir, who had survived his troops' betrayal. Greenbark explained to Jennir how the Nosaurians had come to ally themselves with the Separatists because they promised to revive the market for New Plympto's sole export, rikknit eggs. Greenbark and Jennir decided to temporary join forces in attempt to escape the clone troopers.
Complete list
Bomo Greenbark
SWM Dark Times
Bomo Greenbark

Last updated: 22.05.2020 17:27:17